Έργα etwinning
This eTwinning project aims at combining Active Citizenship and Creative Arts and promoting the four Cs of modern learning and teaching: collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking. Activities are based on learner-centred methodologies such as PBL and Active Learning. Starting from a main driving question, “How can creative arts change the world?”, students will learn about visual artists and musicians who have been and/or are active campaigners for human rights and sustainability and will become “activartists” themselves to produce creative manual or digital artifacts (artworks, songs, etc.) and/or artistic performances to raise awareness about global issues.
Ηλεκτρονικό Βιβλίο |
Maria Marisa Christopoulou
Eleni Vardalou
Ετικέτα ποιότητας
2019 – 2020 eTwinning School Label awards
Στο σχολείο μας απονεμήθηκε η νέα ετικέτα σχολείου eTwinning! Αυτή τη χρονιά 1004 σχολεία έλαβαν την ετικέτα για το 2019-2020. Τα σχολεία που τιμήθηκαν με τον τίτλο αυτόν είναι πρωτοπόρα και αναγνωρίζονται ως ηγέτες σε τομείς όπως τους εξής:
- Ψηφιακή πρακτική
- Πρακτική ηλεκτρονικής ασφάλειας (eSafety)
- Καινοτόμες και δημιουργικές παιδαγωγικές προσεγγίσεις
- Προώθηση συνεχούς επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης του προσωπικού
- Προώθηση πρακτικών συνεργατικής μάθησης με το προσωπικό και τους μαθητές
Διαβάστε το άρθρο και δείτε την πλήρη λίστα των αναγνωρισμένων σχολείων εδώ .
Ετικέτα ποιότητας
Lets start dances!!!
Our project is based on tradition and especially on traditional dances. Our target is, every one of the participant, to get to know better each other's tradition through the dance and also understand small similarities and differences between them, referred to the style, or to the music, or the way they dance in every country.
Maria Marisa Christopoulou
Playing in our cities (STEAM oriented)
Getting to know each other through Europe, Getting to know our origins and cultures.
Starting from ourselves, presenting our cities and creating games, stories, legends about our cultures and our typical products.
Partners of the project will be different schools from different countries, so that we can get an outlook of our similarities and differences.
Evagelia Kounavie,
Ioanna Strepelia,
Panagiotis Gakis
Visions of the future / science fiction (STEΑM oriented)
The project consists in :
- exchanging videos made by students about their visions of the future ;
- writing a science fiction short story about a video that inspired them.
Evagelia Kounavie,
Georgia Thanasoulia,
George Arlapanos
Our Cuisines
This project asks students to exchange information and experiences on the Cuisines that are characteristic of their countries (history, customs & traditions, celebrations & special occasions, foods-sweets-drinks, characteristic products & ingredients of their areas/countries, types of restaurants, famous recipes, famous chefs, eating habits & health, preferences and habits of teenagers, etc.).
Maria Marisa Christopoulou
Ετικέτα ποιότητας
Music and Cinema
This project asks students to exchange information and experiences on music and cinema, both in general, as well as on the ones characteristic of their countries (types, musical instruments, musicians/singers, soundtracks, films, actors/directors, awards, traditions, the preferences of their own and of the people/teenagers in their countries, etc.). |
Maria Marisa Christopoulou
Nikolaos Bakopoulos
We Love Photography
This project focuses on the art of photography. At first, students are going to meet each other and communicate in English. Then, they are going to exchange photos they have taken themselves, write short texts in English to describe them and vote for the best photos. Also, they can share...
Maria Marisa Christopoulou,
Gkotsopoulou Eleni,
Nikolaos Bakopoulos
Ετικέτα ποιότητας
We are interested in exchanging information about interesting beliefs and superstititons in different cultures.
Pupils will choose superstitions or beliefs in their countries, they will write about them and take photos and share with each other in the twinspace. Pupils will act the superstitions with real objects and drama and then take photos or videos.They will upload the photos or videos they took to the twinspace and they will write what the superstition or belief mean in their countries.
Maria Marisa Christopoulou
Ετικέτα ποιότητας
Meeting each other's city
Our project focuses on meeting each other's city. Thus, students will have the opportunity to exchange information, photos, videos etc.
maria filosofou,
Maria Marisa Christopoulou
Παναγιώτης Γάκης
BIG (and small) POSTCARDS - show us your place of living - we can't wait to know YOU !!!
- Communication among students - in oral and written form;
- Work in mixed teams (listenning to the otehrs);
- Problem solving - discussing, agreeing and disagreeing - expressing own points of views;
- To know, discuss, how to present, introduce students' local / home place;
- Solve the problems;
- Practise foreign languages;
- Motivate students through giving a piece of advice: NEVER GIVE UP, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT and others...;
- Manage students' stress and know, how to work undervthe pressure (giving cluses);
- Use IT skills (computers, laptops, pictures, softwares, web publishing etc.);
Maria Marisa Christopoulou,
Gkotsopoulou Eleni